Friday, January 27, 2012

Political Cartoon #5

1. The cartoon is drawn by Bob Gorrell.
2. The key object is the podium which represents Obama giving his State of the Union address.
3. The cartoonist uses caricature. Obama is drawn with big ears, mouth, and nose and a long,skinny head.
4. The cartoon deals with how sound the State of the Union is.
5. The cartoon's message is that Obama doesn't really have anything to say about the State of the Union to convince people that is it is sound and stable because in reality it is not. Obama is trying to make it seem as if the State of the Union is sound by trying to ignore the problems that it has.
6. The cartoonist is from the point of view of the GOP and other people who believe Obama has nothing good to say about the State of the Union.

Politcal Cartoon #5

1. The cartoon was drawn by Pat Bagley.
2. The key things in the cartoon are the elephant and the donkey. The elephant represents the republican party and the donkey represents the democratic party.
3. The device uses caricature. The drawing of donkey and the elephant is exaggerated.
4. The cartoon deals with the representation of the poor in politics, government and political parties.
5. The cartoon's message is that the poor are not represented at all. The two party system if for the benefit of the middle and rich class, not the poor.
6. This cartoon is from a poor person's point of view who believes that they are not represented by any political party. 

Political Cartoon #4

1. The cartoon was drawn my Rick Mckee.
2. The fat man with money coming out of his pockets represents the rich.
3. The cartoonist uses caricature and satire. Obama is drawn is with a huge mouth, nose, and ears. The comment he is making in the cartoon is very sarcastic.
4. The cartoon deals with Obama's policies and ideas that involve taking money from the rich.
5. The cartoon's message is that Obama thinks it is fair to take money from the rich because they have enough to go around.
6. The cartoonist's point of view is of someone who see's Obama forcibly taking money from the rich. 

Political Cartoon #3

  1.   Rick Mckee drew the cartoon. 
  2. The fat old white man represents Newt and the bystanders represent Florida. 
  3.  The cartoonist uses ridicule and caricature because he is making fun of the Newt's appearance and has drawn him in a exaggerated way. 
  4. The issue deals with Newt trying to improve his poll numbers among women.
  5. The cartoonist's message is that Newt is not doing a good job of increasing his poll numbers or that he is isn't approaching it in the right way. 
  6. The cartoonist's point of view is an opposing one of Newt.

QOW #3

     Obama's job approval is 80% among Democrats and 12% among Republicans. This polarization continued into his third year of office. He averages at a 43% job approval in the most recent quarter in office. There are 64.6% employed full time, 18.4 % underemployed and 8.6 % unemployed. The employment rate has decreased some. Obama has a good chance of winning but will have some tough competition if he is against Mitt Romney.

QOW #5

     Mitt Romney will probably win the GOP nomination. He is most likely the best candidate that has the best chance of beating President Barack Obama. He is a successful businessman and has been a successful governor so he knows his politics. His win in Iowa and New Hampshire also increase his chances of winning. From January 4-8, 2012, 60% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents who are registered to vote believe that Romney will win the GOP nomination. As of right now Romney has a great chance at winning.

QOW #6

     A lot has happened so far this semester. Senior year has been a lot harder than I expected. I was foolish to believe all the people that told me it was going to be easy. This year has been the hardest for me yet. First quarter I did excellent but second quarter didn't go as great as I wanted it to go. It's great to have finally made it to the halfway point. But I still know there is a whole semester left and I have to continue to work hard. We are starting to learn about comparative government and I am interested to learn about the types of government in other countries and how they compare to our own.

QOW #4

     My favorite holiday memory was traveling to Alabama to spend time with my dad's side of the family. It was a long drive (14 hours) but it was totally worth it. I spent a week there and I enjoyed every minute of it; especially the good ol' southern food my grandmother made for me. I got to see my cousins and uncles that I hadn't seen in months. My other favorite part was that I was taking a vacation from school, track, and work. The whole week I was there, I was in relax mode. It was great. I had a great time overall.