Monday, March 26, 2012

UK asks China to re-evaulate Neil Heywood's Death in Chongqing

     Neil Heywood died in Chongqing last November supposedly because of the over-consumption of alcohol. His family and the British embassy accepted the police findings at first but are now having doubts. The British businesman was friends with Chongqing  boss, Bo Xilai. Bo is one of China's most popular politicians but has recently been removed for being a part of one of the biggest politcal scandals in the country in years. BBC understands that thought there was friendship, there were no business connections between Bo and Heywood.
     A couple British nationals living in China told the UK embassy in Beijing about their susipicions regarding the death but it is not yer clear whether Chongquing police have re-opened the investigation.
     There have also been some rumours going around about Heywood. Some said that he was a teetotaller meaning that he totally abstained from drinking but then others said that Heywood would drink occasionally.

Obama & Chinese President Hu Coordinate Over North Korea Missle Launch

     North Korea is planning to lanch a long-range rocket that will carry a satellite. It is intended to be laungch between April 12 and April 16, marking the 100th anniversary of Kim II-sung's birth. The US believes that the launch would violate UN resolutions and be a missile test.
     The White House says that President Hu stated that he is taking this issue very seriously and regesiterd concern with the governement in Pyongyang but the US national security officials believes differently because he has yet to see any change in policy. Obama criticized China for being to soft with North Korea. South Korea threatened to shoot down the rocket if it crossed into their territory.
     Last month, Pyongyang agreed to suspend long-range missile tests and uranium enrichment and allow UN inspectors in if the US supplied 240,000 tonnes of food aid to North Korea. The has now been suspended. The UN national Security Council passed resolutions prohibiting North Korea  from nuclear and ballistic missile activity. Pyongyand responded by walking out of nuclear disarmament talks and carrying out a nuclear test weeks later.