Sunday, December 4, 2011

QOW #2

     In regards to the candidacy of Mitt Romney for the Republican nomination, there are reasons why he could win and reasons why he could lose.
     One reason why he could lose is the fact that he is trying to the win the GOP nomination but is bordeline democrat. Republicans tend to have more conservative ideals. The fact that Romney supported "women's right to abort a child", "equal rights to homosexual couples", "government run Health care system" and "openly homosexual people serve in the Armed Forces" does not coincide with conservative Republican ideals. They tend to coincide with more Democratic ideals.
     One reason why Mitt Romney could win is that his campaign focus is on economic growth and job  creation which is different from his GOP opponents. With the economy doing as badly as it is now, people would want someone who is focused on dealing with one of the most important problems the U.S. is dealing with today.

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