Sunday, November 20, 2011

QOW #1

     Rick Perry's candidacy has been going downhill since September when had a bad debate moment when he made an incoherent attack on Romney for flip-flopping.  By October, he had fallen to third place in GOP polling and things were not looking up for Perry. 
     One reason why Perry could loose is his slip-up in a recent presidential debate. He wasn't receiving a lot of attention during the debate so in order to gain some attention he began to talk about Cabinet departments that he would eliminate if he were President. He said there were three agencies that he would get rid of but he could only name two out the three. Not only that but he began stuttering. This might be what kills Perry's candidacy.
     One reason why Perry could win is that he has never lost a campaign. Also he has a big appeal to the Tea Party movement.

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