Sunday, October 30, 2011

Viriginia Transportation Problems is Priority Issue

     The leading issue in Virginia deals with transportation. There are three different ways that have been proposed to deal with the issue. One is a Senate plan calling for $4 billion in transportation projects in both Northern Virginia and the Hampton Roads or Tidewater area. The House of Delegates call for $2 billion. And lastly, Governor Kaine has a plain that is kind of a mix between the House of Delegates and the Senate plan. The financing for each of these plans is different.
    It's good that they are making this a priority because this is one of the major issues in Virginia. There has been construction going on in areas near where I live. I think this is because they are trying to lessen traffic, especially during rush hour. Personally, they need do something with the roads leading into our school because every morning there is so much traffic that it makes it hard to be on time sometimes, especially when it rains. 

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