Sunday, October 16, 2011

Gay Rights

I am personally interested in gay rights. I really don't understand why people just can't leave it alone. Someone being gay, shouldn't affect another person. Who are we to say that being straight doesn't affect gay people? Of course most people would say that it is against a lot of religions. But we are supposed to be a country full of freedom.. Also religion shouldn't have any effect on our laws because the church and the state are supposed to be separate. Gay people aren't hurting anyone. Straight people have the right to marry someone they love and gay people should be given this right as well; even though it may be a person of the same sex. Some people don't choose to be gay, that's just how they feel. You can't control your emotions so why should gay people be penalized for that? They shouldn't. Everyone is supposed to be able to have equal rights, including being able to marry the person of his choice.

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