Sunday, October 2, 2011

Obama's Jobs Bill

     Obama is trying to solve the unemployment problem by proposing a bill. The bill calls for reducing payroll taxes for employees and employers. It proposes increased spending on public services and some changes in unemployment benefits.
     Obama is steady trying to get Congress to pass the bill by repeating the same thing over and over and by calling out those who are against it. Yet it still doesn't seem to be working. Republicans aren't in favor of the bill and don't seem keen on passing it. The Democrats want the bill to be passed but  are going about it in a different way.
     Unemployment is an issue that needs to be addressed. Obama has a plan but can we actually afford this plan and is it actually going to work? Also he needs to take a different approach if he wants the bill to get passed. If he upsets the people who are oppose the bill, then he is making it harder for the bill to be passed.

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