Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Drunk Driver Kills 8 Year old boy

     This article was written by Allison Klein on June 6, 2012. A mother and her 8 year old son wer walking on a mall playground when a drunk driver plowed his car into them. On Wednesday, he was convicted of manslaughter while driving under the influence.  He was found guilty immediately. The mother was in the hospital for weeks because she had broken both of her legs and her hip. She had lost her only son. 

     I chose this article because it grabbed my attention that a little innocent boy was killed. I have a cousin who is 8 years old and would be very devastated if anything were to ever happened to him. This article was very sad. It's really unfortunate how innocent people have to suffer because of the mistkaes of others. The article was well written and touching. I didn't "enjoy" the article because it was a sad topic but it was a good article.

Miley Cyrus Engagement

     This article was written by Jen Chaney on June 6, 2012. Miley Cyrus is 19 years of age and is recently engaged to Liam Hemsworth. People didn't react in a positive way saying that she is way too young to enter into a lifetime commitment. The article also speaks about other celebrities who were engaged at early ages but their engagements never worked out. Drew Barrymore was engaged at the afe of 16. Winona Ryder was engaged at the age of 18. LeeAnn Rimes was also engaged at the age of 19. And Kate Hudson was engaged at the age of 21.

     I chose this article because it dealt with Miley Cyrus. I remember when I was a bit younger I would watch her hit show on Disney Channel called Hannah Montana where she portrayed this sweet young innocent girl. Ever since she came off of the show it seems like she is trying to grow up way too fast. She is about my age but is doing things that she should be doing five to ten years from now. She dresses way beyond her years and is now engaged it's really kind of crazy. But then again she is a celebrity.

Exxon Mobil moving Fairfax operations to Houston

     This article was written by Abha Bhattarai and Thomas Heath on June 6, 2012. Beginning as early as 2014, Exxon Mobil will be relocating its Fairfax County operations to Houston. It will be taking 2,100 jobs out of an area that is already experiencing a decline in employment rate. Federal deficits are growing larger so our area's good fortune may becoming to an end.

     I chose this article because I noticed that it was about Exxon gas and I am a frequent user of Exon gas. When I first stumbled upon the article, I thought that it was saying the actual gas stations were moving to Houston and I was both shocked and confused because there are so many Exxon's around this area. I was confused as to how they were going to take them all away when people use them so much. There seemed like there would be many complaints. I read the complete article to gain further information. The article was well written and informative. And I didn't necessarily enjoy the article but it was interesting to read. 


DNA Blueprint for Fetus Built Using Samples From Parents
     The article was written on June 6, 2012 by Andrew Pollack. For the first time ever, researchers came up with a way to virtually determine the entire genome of a fetus. They do this by using only a blood sample from the pregnant woman and a saliva specimen from the father. This allows parents to know the complete DNA blueprint of their child way before it is born. Thousands of diseases will be able to be detected. But this new accomplishments may raise ethical concerns because parents my call for abortions for reasons that aren't necessarily legit. Also the cost of doing one fetal genome ranges from $20,000 to $50,0000. Which is A LOT of money.

     I did enjoy the article because it was another example of how technology is increasing and advancing at such a rapid rate. To be able to know the full DNA blueprint of a baby way before it is born is truly amazing. I remember when people were excited just to know the sex of the baby when they created ultrasound. The article was well written and the reason I chose this article was because the title caught my eye. The fact that they used "Blueprint for Fetus" made it seem like they were making a clone or something.

Summer Plans

     Even though I am so excited for college I need a break from school. I cannot wait for summer to begin. There are so many exciting things to look forward to over the summer. For instance, after graduation there's beach week. I'm going to Ocean City with a 7 other friends for a week in a beach house we rented and the cool thing is there is no parental supervision (not that we were planning on doing anything bad). It will be the official taste of true freedom and I cannot wait. Also in July I will be going on an 8 day cruise to Bermuda with Carina and Danielle. I've never been there before but I am excited to see how beautiful it is. We are also planning a trip to Kings Dominion as well. In July I also have orientation for college. I can't wait to go dorm room shopping and finally meet my roommate. This summer has so many things in store for me and I can't wait!


     I will be attending Virginia Tech in the fall. This is my second choice pick of college. My first choice pick was University of Miami. I've always wanted to go there ever since I got the flyer in the mail my freshman year of high school. I applied and was so ecstatic when I was accepted. I was for sure I was going there but because we couldn't afford it financially I was not able to go. I was very upset about it at first but then I realized the benefits of going to Virginia Tech. It's still a really good school and I would be able to pay in-state tuition. They have amazing food and I have friends going there. For some reason, even though the University of Miami had always been my dream school, deep down inside I always knew that I would probably end up at Virginia Tech.

My Senior Year

     My senior year has been the most stressful and challenging year of my entire high school career. In the beginning of  the year I had so much motivation because of the pressure of getting into a good college. After second semester hit I basically lost all motivation. I knew I was going to get senioritis but I never thought I was going to get it that bad. I began to not put as much effort into my work, come into school late, and begun not to care at all. I had already been accepted into college and felt that my work here was done. It's crazy to believe that I only have two days of high school left and that in 8 days I will be graduating and beginning a new chapter in my life. I'm really's been real.

Monday, April 9, 2012

China sets up a rare earth body

     China produces 95% of the world's rare earth elements. These elements are significant in the production of various high-tech products. China's trading partners believe the China is trying to become the world's biggest producer of rare earths to benefit domestic manufacturers. They argued that by limiting exports, Beijing kept low prices for domestic buyers but international firms. They also claimed that Beijing tried pressuring international manufacturers to move to China.  China denied these claims and said they placed these restrictions to prevent environmental damage.  

Car Bomb Detonates in Nigeria

     On Sunday morning, a suicide car bomber detonated the explosives in his car on a busy road. The explosive killed at least 38 people. The reason for the explosion revolves around religious, ethnic and political violence in the nation.
     The explosion hit Kaduna, the capital of Kaduna state. It left charred motorcycles and debris all across a major road. Nearby buildings had windows blown out and roofs torn apart. It also damaged the nearby All Nations Christian Assembly Church and the ECWA Good News Church while people were there worshiping on Easter Sunday.
     No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack but many suspected a radical Islamic sect that's been responsible for hundreds of killings. This invokes fear because of the turmoil revolving around a region on that's the dividing line between Nigeria's Christian south and Muslim north.

Opposition to Putin

     Putin has a pretty strong hold on Russia. In the city Duma, his United Party holds 33 of the 35 seats which is way more than just majority. But city voters have turned against Putin. Less than fifty percent voted him which opened many opportunities to his opponents. Putin rules by fiat which he calls the "vertical of power." This means that his loyalists dominate the law-making bodies.
     Mikhail Velmakin, an emerging politician, believes there is hope for new political faces in Moscow. he is using his philosophy which is a mixture of Gandhi and Tip O'Neill. In 208 when Velmakin was elected to an unpaid on one of Moscow's neighborhood advisory councils he was preparing himself to take protest from the streets into the halls of the government. He and others are organizing a nonpartisan Council of District Deputies providing networking in preparation for elections to the more powerful city Duma in 2014.

Monday, March 26, 2012

UK asks China to re-evaulate Neil Heywood's Death in Chongqing

     Neil Heywood died in Chongqing last November supposedly because of the over-consumption of alcohol. His family and the British embassy accepted the police findings at first but are now having doubts. The British businesman was friends with Chongqing  boss, Bo Xilai. Bo is one of China's most popular politicians but has recently been removed for being a part of one of the biggest politcal scandals in the country in years. BBC understands that thought there was friendship, there were no business connections between Bo and Heywood.
     A couple British nationals living in China told the UK embassy in Beijing about their susipicions regarding the death but it is not yer clear whether Chongquing police have re-opened the investigation.
     There have also been some rumours going around about Heywood. Some said that he was a teetotaller meaning that he totally abstained from drinking but then others said that Heywood would drink occasionally.

Obama & Chinese President Hu Coordinate Over North Korea Missle Launch

     North Korea is planning to lanch a long-range rocket that will carry a satellite. It is intended to be laungch between April 12 and April 16, marking the 100th anniversary of Kim II-sung's birth. The US believes that the launch would violate UN resolutions and be a missile test.
     The White House says that President Hu stated that he is taking this issue very seriously and regesiterd concern with the governement in Pyongyang but the US national security officials believes differently because he has yet to see any change in policy. Obama criticized China for being to soft with North Korea. South Korea threatened to shoot down the rocket if it crossed into their territory.
     Last month, Pyongyang agreed to suspend long-range missile tests and uranium enrichment and allow UN inspectors in if the US supplied 240,000 tonnes of food aid to North Korea. The has now been suspended. The UN national Security Council passed resolutions prohibiting North Korea  from nuclear and ballistic missile activity. Pyongyand responded by walking out of nuclear disarmament talks and carrying out a nuclear test weeks later.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Political Cartoon #5

1. The cartoon is drawn by Bob Gorrell.
2. The key object is the podium which represents Obama giving his State of the Union address.
3. The cartoonist uses caricature. Obama is drawn with big ears, mouth, and nose and a long,skinny head.
4. The cartoon deals with how sound the State of the Union is.
5. The cartoon's message is that Obama doesn't really have anything to say about the State of the Union to convince people that is it is sound and stable because in reality it is not. Obama is trying to make it seem as if the State of the Union is sound by trying to ignore the problems that it has.
6. The cartoonist is from the point of view of the GOP and other people who believe Obama has nothing good to say about the State of the Union.

Politcal Cartoon #5

1. The cartoon was drawn by Pat Bagley.
2. The key things in the cartoon are the elephant and the donkey. The elephant represents the republican party and the donkey represents the democratic party.
3. The device uses caricature. The drawing of donkey and the elephant is exaggerated.
4. The cartoon deals with the representation of the poor in politics, government and political parties.
5. The cartoon's message is that the poor are not represented at all. The two party system if for the benefit of the middle and rich class, not the poor.
6. This cartoon is from a poor person's point of view who believes that they are not represented by any political party. 

Political Cartoon #4

1. The cartoon was drawn my Rick Mckee.
2. The fat man with money coming out of his pockets represents the rich.
3. The cartoonist uses caricature and satire. Obama is drawn is with a huge mouth, nose, and ears. The comment he is making in the cartoon is very sarcastic.
4. The cartoon deals with Obama's policies and ideas that involve taking money from the rich.
5. The cartoon's message is that Obama thinks it is fair to take money from the rich because they have enough to go around.
6. The cartoonist's point of view is of someone who see's Obama forcibly taking money from the rich. 

Political Cartoon #3

  1.   Rick Mckee drew the cartoon. 
  2. The fat old white man represents Newt and the bystanders represent Florida. 
  3.  The cartoonist uses ridicule and caricature because he is making fun of the Newt's appearance and has drawn him in a exaggerated way. 
  4. The issue deals with Newt trying to improve his poll numbers among women.
  5. The cartoonist's message is that Newt is not doing a good job of increasing his poll numbers or that he is isn't approaching it in the right way. 
  6. The cartoonist's point of view is an opposing one of Newt.

QOW #3

     Obama's job approval is 80% among Democrats and 12% among Republicans. This polarization continued into his third year of office. He averages at a 43% job approval in the most recent quarter in office. There are 64.6% employed full time, 18.4 % underemployed and 8.6 % unemployed. The employment rate has decreased some. Obama has a good chance of winning but will have some tough competition if he is against Mitt Romney.

QOW #5

     Mitt Romney will probably win the GOP nomination. He is most likely the best candidate that has the best chance of beating President Barack Obama. He is a successful businessman and has been a successful governor so he knows his politics. His win in Iowa and New Hampshire also increase his chances of winning. From January 4-8, 2012, 60% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents who are registered to vote believe that Romney will win the GOP nomination. As of right now Romney has a great chance at winning.

QOW #6

     A lot has happened so far this semester. Senior year has been a lot harder than I expected. I was foolish to believe all the people that told me it was going to be easy. This year has been the hardest for me yet. First quarter I did excellent but second quarter didn't go as great as I wanted it to go. It's great to have finally made it to the halfway point. But I still know there is a whole semester left and I have to continue to work hard. We are starting to learn about comparative government and I am interested to learn about the types of government in other countries and how they compare to our own.

QOW #4

     My favorite holiday memory was traveling to Alabama to spend time with my dad's side of the family. It was a long drive (14 hours) but it was totally worth it. I spent a week there and I enjoyed every minute of it; especially the good ol' southern food my grandmother made for me. I got to see my cousins and uncles that I hadn't seen in months. My other favorite part was that I was taking a vacation from school, track, and work. The whole week I was there, I was in relax mode. It was great. I had a great time overall.