Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Summer Plans

     Even though I am so excited for college I need a break from school. I cannot wait for summer to begin. There are so many exciting things to look forward to over the summer. For instance, after graduation there's beach week. I'm going to Ocean City with a 7 other friends for a week in a beach house we rented and the cool thing is there is no parental supervision (not that we were planning on doing anything bad). It will be the official taste of true freedom and I cannot wait. Also in July I will be going on an 8 day cruise to Bermuda with Carina and Danielle. I've never been there before but I am excited to see how beautiful it is. We are also planning a trip to Kings Dominion as well. In July I also have orientation for college. I can't wait to go dorm room shopping and finally meet my roommate. This summer has so many things in store for me and I can't wait!

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