Sunday, December 4, 2011

Political Cartoon #2

1. The political cartoon was drawn by Kirk Walters.

2. The elephant represents the Republican party. The "Nixon 2012" badge represents the fact that anyone would be better than Romney, even Nixon.

3. The cartoon uses ridicule by saying that even Nixon would be a better candidate than Romney despite his failed presidency and the Watergate scandal.

4. The cartoon deals with the Mitt Romney candidacy.

5. The message is that Mitt Romney should not win the GOP nomination. 

6. The cartoon is from a Republican point-of-view. They are against Mitt Romney for a number of reasons but one is that he has more Democratic ideals than Republican.

QOW #2

     In regards to the candidacy of Mitt Romney for the Republican nomination, there are reasons why he could win and reasons why he could lose.
     One reason why he could lose is the fact that he is trying to the win the GOP nomination but is bordeline democrat. Republicans tend to have more conservative ideals. The fact that Romney supported "women's right to abort a child", "equal rights to homosexual couples", "government run Health care system" and "openly homosexual people serve in the Armed Forces" does not coincide with conservative Republican ideals. They tend to coincide with more Democratic ideals.
     One reason why Mitt Romney could win is that his campaign focus is on economic growth and job  creation which is different from his GOP opponents. With the economy doing as badly as it is now, people would want someone who is focused on dealing with one of the most important problems the U.S. is dealing with today.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Political Cartoon #1

1. This political cartoon was drawn by Adam Zyglis.
2. The elephant represents the Republican party. The weapons that are in Obama's arm represent the resistance the Republicans have toward Obama.
3. The cartoonist uses caricature by exaggerating how skinny Obama is and how big his ears are. He also uses satire with the sarcasm of the elephant's comment.
4. The cartoon deals with all of the negotiations that Obama is trying to make with the Republican party.
5. The cartoon's message is that the Republican party does not want to make any negotiations with Obama.
6.  The cartoonist's point of view is a Democratic view because it shows how Obama is getting attacked.

QOW #1

     Rick Perry's candidacy has been going downhill since September when had a bad debate moment when he made an incoherent attack on Romney for flip-flopping.  By October, he had fallen to third place in GOP polling and things were not looking up for Perry. 
     One reason why Perry could loose is his slip-up in a recent presidential debate. He wasn't receiving a lot of attention during the debate so in order to gain some attention he began to talk about Cabinet departments that he would eliminate if he were President. He said there were three agencies that he would get rid of but he could only name two out the three. Not only that but he began stuttering. This might be what kills Perry's candidacy.
     One reason why Perry could win is that he has never lost a campaign. Also he has a big appeal to the Tea Party movement.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Viriginia Transportation Problems is Priority Issue

     The leading issue in Virginia deals with transportation. There are three different ways that have been proposed to deal with the issue. One is a Senate plan calling for $4 billion in transportation projects in both Northern Virginia and the Hampton Roads or Tidewater area. The House of Delegates call for $2 billion. And lastly, Governor Kaine has a plain that is kind of a mix between the House of Delegates and the Senate plan. The financing for each of these plans is different.
    It's good that they are making this a priority because this is one of the major issues in Virginia. There has been construction going on in areas near where I live. I think this is because they are trying to lessen traffic, especially during rush hour. Personally, they need do something with the roads leading into our school because every morning there is so much traffic that it makes it hard to be on time sometimes, especially when it rains. 

U.S. Planning to Buildup Troops in Persian Gulf

     Obama has made the announcement that the last American soldiers in Iraq will be brought home by the end December of this year. But with that the Obama administration plans to buildup the troops in the Persian Gulf. But doesn't this mean that troops aren't going home after all? This just means they are leaving Iraq. Some diplomats are concerned that withdrawing the troops from Iraq might leave instability. I just can't wait for this war to be over. So many troops have already given up their lives and this war has been going on way too long. Plus my older brother is in the army, and he's already been to Iraq twice. I don't want him to have to go back again .

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Gay Rights

I am personally interested in gay rights. I really don't understand why people just can't leave it alone. Someone being gay, shouldn't affect another person. Who are we to say that being straight doesn't affect gay people? Of course most people would say that it is against a lot of religions. But we are supposed to be a country full of freedom.. Also religion shouldn't have any effect on our laws because the church and the state are supposed to be separate. Gay people aren't hurting anyone. Straight people have the right to marry someone they love and gay people should be given this right as well; even though it may be a person of the same sex. Some people don't choose to be gay, that's just how they feel. You can't control your emotions so why should gay people be penalized for that? They shouldn't. Everyone is supposed to be able to have equal rights, including being able to marry the person of his choice.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Liberal ?

Before this class I knew barely anything about politics and where I stand politically. Based on these ideology quizzes and my opinion, I would like to believe that I am mostly liberal though I tend to lean to the conservative side sometimes depending on the issue. I think there should be freedom of choice in personal matters and the government should have more control of the economy. The government should protect individual rights not infringe upon them. The government should also have more control over the economy because I don't believe individuals can handle that responsibility.

Obama's Jobs Bill

     Obama is trying to solve the unemployment problem by proposing a bill. The bill calls for reducing payroll taxes for employees and employers. It proposes increased spending on public services and some changes in unemployment benefits.
     Obama is steady trying to get Congress to pass the bill by repeating the same thing over and over and by calling out those who are against it. Yet it still doesn't seem to be working. Republicans aren't in favor of the bill and don't seem keen on passing it. The Democrats want the bill to be passed but  are going about it in a different way.
     Unemployment is an issue that needs to be addressed. Obama has a plan but can we actually afford this plan and is it actually going to work? Also he needs to take a different approach if he wants the bill to get passed. If he upsets the people who are oppose the bill, then he is making it harder for the bill to be passed.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

First Blog Ever

So... I'm not really used to this whole blogging thing. It seems kinda cool, not quite sure though....Here I am sitting in this computer lab next to dawn and tired as hell. It's only the first period of the day and I'm already ready to go home. I can already tell this is going to be a long day...